
Born in Kyoto in 1981, Tsuyoshi Hisakado completed his M.F.A. at the Department of Sculpture, Kyoto City University of Arts in 2007. Currently lives and works in Kyoto. With an interest in the fundamental sensibility and uniqueness/eternity that constitute human activity, Hisakado creates conceptual works using a variety of methods and media, including sound, light, programming, sculpture, painting and large-scale installations. The artist hopes that his works resonate with the viewer's memories and imaginations, and sharpen their visual and auditory senses. Hisakado's solo exhibitions include "Tsuyoshi Hisakado: Dear Future Person," Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA, Kyoto (2023), "Tsuyoshi Hisakado: Polite Existence" Jameel Arts Centre, Dubai (2023), "Mercedes-Benz Art Scope 2022-2024:EQ House x Tsuyoshi Hisakado" Mercedes-Benz EQ House, Tokyo (2022), "Practice of Spiral" Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Aichi (2020), "MoCA Pavilion Special Project: Tsuyoshi Hisakado" Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai (2016). He also participated in various group exhibitions including "Hawai‘i Triennial 2022" Hawai’i (2022), "58th Venice Biennale 2019: May You Live in Interesting Times" Venice (2019), "MAM Project 025: Apichatpong Weerasethakul + Hisakado Tsuyoshi" Tokyo (2018) "Asia Corridor Contemporary Art Exhibition" Kyoto (2017), "AICHI TRIENNALE 2016 rainbow caravan" Aichi (2016). Hisakado was elected the East Asian Cultural Exchange Envoy and has been awarded the 'Mercedes-Benz Art Scope 2018-2020', the Audience Award at the 'NISSAN ART AWARD 2015', and the Grand Prize of the 'VOCA 2016 The Vision of Contemporary Art'.

Installation shots
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